
Utilities orthogonal to any project, depended on by most.

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Orthogonal to and depended on by many projects

resolvers += "stepsoft" at ""

libraryDependencies += "" %% "sss-ancillary" % "0.9.13"

Contains a few useful traits including Logging and typesafe config helpers as well as a few Reflection utilities.

For example given the name of a Typesafe config it can map the values in that config to a pure trait.

  trait MimicInterface {
    val name: String
    val ingredients: java.lang.Iterable[String]

  dish {
    name = "SomeCompany"
    ingredients = ["potato", "bacon", "onion", "salt", "pepper"]

  val sut = DynConfig[MimicInterface]("dish")
  assert( == "SomeCompany")
  assert(sut.ingredients.toSet == Set("potato", "bacon", "onion", "salt", "pepper"))

Now contains a ServerLauncher - useful for starting an embedded Jetty server.